What Style Is Nailhead Furniture?

Do you love purchasing nailhead pieces of furniture for your home? Do you like the elegant look this type of furniture has? You’re reading this article, so you probably like it, but do you know what style is nailhead furniture, and can you fit that style into your home?

If you like studded style, the nailhead furniture is just what you’re looking for. The nailhead pieces of furniture are the ideal mixture of modern and classic styles at the same time. Or in other words, nailhead furniture brings a classic vintage style that can perfectly fit into your modern home, giving the room a touch of timelessness.

You can find different pieces of furniture enriched with the unique look the nailheads give, but you can also add the proper nailheads to the furniture you already have. So if you want to learn more about the nailhead furniture style and have to implement it in your home, keep on reading.

What Style Is Nailhead Furniture

What Style Is Nailhead Furniture?

To explain what style is nailhead furniture, it can be said that it’s a bit of vintage mixed with elegant yet classic style. And exactly this is the feeling that nailhead furniture will bring into your home.

Traditionally, the nailheads were made of brass or copper, giving that rich look to the piece of furniture they’re attached to, but today they come in various looks. And they’re attached to almost every piece of furniture you might possibly think of, so you can find a variety of different ones. 

Ottomans, chairs, dressers, mirror frames, and even drawers. So choosing one and including it in your home will bring a unique look to your room, even if it’s the only nailhead piece of furniture.

Is it modern?

Nailheads, also called rivets or studs, give the furniture a more edgy look. It all depends on how you will fit the furniture with the other things in your room. 

Also, the look greatly depends on how the nailheads are placed. They can be decoratively set to follow the silhouette of the furniture, and if placed in the right way, they can even give the furniture a luxurious look.

So don’t be afraid that this type of furniture is outdated. It’s not, and everything depends on how you implement it in your home. If every piece of furniture you have is the latest model, you might want to skip adding a piece of nailhead furniture, but if you want to achieve a blended look with a bit of a modern and older fancier look, go for it. There’s no doubt that you’ll have lots of fun playing with different furniture pieces.

Nailheads function

Today, nailheads mostly have a decorative function, but a long time ago, nailheads were used to hide the areas where it was noticeable that the upholstery was attached to the furniture frame. So, the nailheads held upholstery in a creative and interesting way. 

As a result, if you looked at that piece of furniture, all your attention would go to the nailheads, and you wouldn’t notice those things. But not only are the nailheads practical, but they’re also very stylish.

Visually, purchasing and using nailhead furniture will enrich any room you decide to put it in. Don’t be afraid of doing that. There’s a variety of nailheads, so by choosing the right one, you can easily fit any furniture into your home.

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Types of nailheads

Types of nailheads

Today, nailheads are available in all colors, tones, styles, and sizes. People are even starting to put them in their furniture by themselves when they want to make changes to the look of their furniture. And the result will always depend on the way the nailheads are applied.

Usually, they’re placed on the borders of the furniture, but before doing that, you must choose the right ones.

So, if you want a more modern look, use or buy furniture with nickel nailheads. They have a silver color and are best looking when put on darker-colored furniture.

If you love yellowish to golden colors, the brass nailhead furniture will give your home a fancier, more expensive, and more glamorous look. The copper nailheads will give an antique look to your piece of furniture, so if that’s the look you want to achieve, go for it.

You can place the nailheads next to each other or leave spaces between them, and either way will look amazing. Generally, the furniture with nailheads placed next to each other offers a more classic look, and the furniture with spaced-out nailheads has a modern look.

Read more: What Is Tufted Upholstery?

How to Add Nailheads By Yourself

If you don’t want to buy nailhead furniture but want to add nailheads to a particular piece in your home, that’s not such a difficult thing to do.

Look at the furniture you want to decorate and think about what type and color of nailheads will suit it and compliment the best. Then, decide what places the nailheads will look best to be applied, and decide on the pattern you want to create.

When you’ve got everything figured out, take the nail and firmly press it into the furniture frame. Then, secure it by using a rubber mallet. Using a rubber mullet is very important because by using anything else, you might risk scratching the nailheads and ruining the final look.

And from here on, everything will go smoothly. Repeat this step as many times as needed, but pay attention to the distance between the nailheads because they must be equally spaced. A tape measure or a ruler will help you mark the precise distance between them. 

And if you like this and want to do this to other pieces of furniture in your home, we recommend buying a nailhead spacer tool which will make determining the most precise distance between the nailheads an effortless task.

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Simply put, nailheads are small details that bring an elegant and classic look to every piece of furniture they’re put into. And the power is in the details, so they can have enormous power to make something look unique. So don’t be afraid to include whatever type of nailhead furniture in your home.

This article showed you what style is nailhead furniture and that often, mixing different styles results in creative and unique looks, so try whatever feels good to you and achieve that timeless look.

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